If Speed Kills…

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… how come there aren’t more dead cops? Cops speed all the time.

The other day, I was returning from Ottawa, and traveling to Orangeville. I was about half way between Sharbot Lake and Perth, when I observed a car approaching me in the opposite lane at what was an obviously high rate of speed, and going east bound as I traveled west bound.

I’ve traveled enough along Hwy 7, over the past 25 years that I know that old beautiful highway pretty good. I know when headlights approach me from around a corner in the road, and how fast it takes me when I am doing the speed limit, to estimate the speed of the other car. Hell, I’ve done that old highway myself at extremely high rates of speed myself. My record for a trip from Richmond Hill to Kars, Ontario is 2 hours and 40 minutes. That was in a Nissan 200SX that got better gas mileage at 140 Km/Hr than 90 Km/Hr.

Anyhow, the other night, I see these headlights way in the distance, approaching me. Now, when you travel along Hwy 7 at night, you do get used to the times you’d expect vehicles to pass you, as it is quite a curvy road. And having myself done 130, 140, and even 160 Km/ hour along that road late at night, and have done it a thousand times possibly, over the past 25 years, you can judge pretty good at what speed other cars are going.

So, these headlights. They are approaching me very fast! My estimate, 130 KM/hour. Based on my experience. And as it approaches me, I see the red roof lights.. and when it passes my car, I see the insignia of the OPP on the side of it.

The red roof lights weren’t flashing though. And I’d just come a long a long stretch of the highway, and I didn’t pass any emergencies that anyone might be rushing too.

Years ago, a friend of mine and I did our college field placement with OPP detachments in the province. One of the things we agreed about was that being a police officer was a licence to speed.

So if speed really kills, how come they’re are not more dead speeding cops on our highways? Do they get special training that the rest of us don’t get?

Or maybe it’s all a myth. It’s not that speed kills.. it’s just crappy driving?

Those highway cowboys that speed at will don’t seem to be dying much from speeding. Anyone explain this to me? Cuz I speed too. And I’m not dead yet. Mind you.. I don’t speed as much as much as our highway cowboys do.. but I’m sure not seeing too much in the news about our highway cowboys getting killed because they push the pedal to the metal in those big 8 cylinder cars of theirs.

Anyone else able to explain this “speed kills” thing in light of this? Are our tax dollars being spent on specially made vehicles that can speed without killing, that us serfs don’t get to have? I’m really confused about it, you know? Cuz.. I want what they got.. I wanna go 130 Km/Hour on Highway 7 just like the highway cowboys can, and not get killed.

Damn.. I think my tax dollars should be spent on the same sort of cars that the highway cowboys get! Or the same tires. Or the same training! I mean.. if it saves even one death.. ain’t it worth it? Cuz sometimes, I JUST gotta get to Ottawa in less than three hours, you know? So give me what they got. I want it now. And I deserve it, and once I got it, I should be able to flash my “licence to speed badge” as well, when I get caught exceeding that posted limit. Those of us with those special badges, should be able to do whatever we feel comfortable with, don’t ya think?

And besides, I drive a big old Cadillac.. with awesome steering capabilities, very good gas mileage (it gets about 29 mpg at 120), and in an accident, will protect me. So I should have just as much right to exceed the posted limit as our highway cowboys have, don’t you think? And I bet I have more miles driven (over 2 million km in the past 25 years) than some of those barely scruffy kids that wanna preach, “Speed Kills” while they put the pedal to the metal, about 15 minutes before their shift ends, and heading back to the depot.

Can someone help me figure this out? Any highway cowboys out there than can explain to me what they got that I don’t got? Yeah.. those Madoc, Kaladar, Sharbot Lake, and Perth OPP dudes that patrol Hwy 7 at high rates of speed that far exceed the posted limit of 80 Km/Hour?

Looking forward to your explanations! What is you got that I don’t got!! I want it, baby!

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