Scott Family Stories
Dundee Eastern Necropolis Burial Contract & Photos
I have not had a whole lot of time recently to spend on family history although I have my sights set on a number of people that are interesting and that I want to delve into. Hopefully I’ll be able to spend more time on that shortly but have a few projects that need to […]
Another Confirmation For Elizabeth Scott
The other day, I wrote about Elizabeth Scott and some of the confusions I had when I came across her, including the fact her surname Scott was the same surname as the man she married, James Scott. There was some confusion also generated by my father’s family history notes, which indicated that John Scott b. […]
Mary Anne Laurence Revisited – Ceres, Fifeshire Marriage
I cropped the above image so you could enjoy the beautiful handwriting (or at least, I think it is beautiful and wish I was capable of the same). I left several of the records – although we only really want to focus on one. It’s been on my mind a lot – the notes that […]
Elizabeth Scott – 1811 – 1901
I don’t know if we have photos of Elizabeth Scott, who was born at Burntisland in 1811. We actually may have photos, but it will take some work to try to figure out the possibilities of that. Over the years, this Elizabeth has confused me often – and I can’t say I’m yet totally certain […]
The Scott Family In Belfast – Early 20th Century
(Nothing here at this time. Creating a URL for a PDF – Will add to this later. Check back!). John Scott / Sarah McDowell Family Group Sheet (PDF)
Scott Family Bible
I’d like to ask your forgiveness for the poor quality of these photographs in advance. When I took these, I did not realize that some years later, they’d be the only handy photos that I’d be able to refer to and share – I have since given the Family Bible, for safekeeping and enjoyment to […]
Three Scott Brothers – Dundee
Who I Believe In This Photo Left, Sitting: John Scott, b. 22 Jun 1872 Centre, Standing: Alexander Greig Scott, b. 09 Aug 1879 Right, Sitting: James Scott, b. 25 Mar 1877 I’m unable to precisely date this photo – and admittedly, when I was downloading photos from my cousin Elinor Clements Facebook – I hardly […]
The Scott Family – Dundee, 1885
Update – June 21, 2021 A twitter account named “JJ#2” saw this post and digitally enhanced the above photo, removing the tear mark. Here’s what was done – I think it was a great job and big thanks to JJ#2: I do not recall precisely when I came across this photo – it may have […]
Our Scott History: Where My Dad (And Others) Got It Wrong
I have so many things to write about, possibilities still to investigate, and facts in my head; sometimes I don’t know where to begin. I also realize some others don’t have the same passion or burning desire that I seem to have, to try to get right, what my father had often expressed to me […]
Big Family Photo – Who Are They??
I have a much larger size image for those that might to examine it closer. 2560X1851 pixels, 745 Kb. Which family is this? My sister has been scanning old photo prints she has located, and this has been one of them. I’ve used it as the cover image for the “Scott Family Stories” index page […]
Back in 2006, I began to fulfill a wish I had for a very long time; to research the Scott Family history. This wish... or perhaps better described as a "hope" had begun many years previously as I'd listen to my father, and his own desire to confirm some of the stories and history that had been related to him.
In 2007, I had some time while I waited for a business partner at the time, to finish up some project that she promised would probably make us rich. That never happened and it turned out she was working on making herself rich. For me though, I did become rich in a way - rich in more of the family lore, solving some mysteries, and enjoying the detective work which still continues to this day.
My youngest son was 4 years old when I began in earnest and it was partly for him, for his older brothers, and for my own interest that I threw a lot of my heart and soul into learning more about our family, trying to locate relatives I had no idea about (I was successful in that regard), and to be able to pass on to my children the knowledge of the heritage that was theirs.
In 2007, I became very fascinated with one of our ancestors, a Captain Alexander Grieg. I think he could be the basis of new historical novels - but there are many that have their own stories. I think they should be told. I hope to tell as many of them as I can; perhaps some with my own ideas and imaginings of what life must have been like for them.
I'll add content to this section as I can - and likely randomly, while trying to focus on all the individuals - or as many as I can - that make up what our Scotts have become in the 21st century.
It is not just about Scotts though. There are Baileys, Moores, McDowells, Stephens, Griegs of course, Swans, Moores, McCleerys, Woudstras, and many more.
Of course, my sister and my brother's children will have their own additions of names to this list. I mean no disrespect for not including them - but perhaps they can add their own stories with this resource to build their own lines of heritage as well.
Most of my focus will be on the paternal/maternal line of the Scott Family through my father John Alexander Scott (1935-2001) but I will add information and stories of others as I become aware of them, or as motivated to write.
I am indebted to Richard Telford-Baillie who has graciously provided much information on the Bailey/Moore side of my dad's family, and to my Aunt Grace and Uncle Murray Stephen who did extensive research on my maternal family tree, the Stephens/Mathiesons et al.
One of the really "cool" things is that I also have had access to old photos - how many can say they have a photo that includes their great X3 grandfather? Also, a Family Bible that has been passed down from my great X2 grandfather to me - not as an owner, but rather as a caretaker of information and family heritage.
It fascinates me to think of my Great X2 Grandfather and the fact that he began a record of births and deaths in a Family Bible. This Family Bible may have been a gift from his father - and so the fact it has gone through now 5, and possibly 6 generations if it was his father's gift, is something that fills me with some awe and wonder.
I wonder what those grandfathers had hoped for, by keeping a record that they could pass on to the next generation - did they have any thoughts that almost 200 years later, it would still exist and some would be thankful for it? Did they themselves want a record of their own life and existence for their descendants?
I like to think that they must have wanted that; why else to begin such a record? Perhaps they had their own records as well, that no longer exist. We don't know. We do know we have what we have, and it was started in the 19th century - there is something amazing about seeing your ancestors writing in ink on paper with records of births, marriages and deaths.
In 2007, I wrote some very general posts included in this list below, and now I will focus on more specific information along with the documentation I have found to support the my claims that they are family ancestors. In some cases, I am not totally sure, and will explain why, when I write about the individuals.