If you’ve visited this site before, you may have seen my post, Lanark – Heroes Fight For Freedom about the struggle of Lanark County property owners against the incursions of Government upon their land and way of life.
I’ve just received an open letter from Randy Hillier, President, Lanark Landowners Association addressed to Dave Ramsay, Andy Mitchell, Paul Martin, Dalton Mcguinty, Steve Peters, Irwin Cotler, Reid, Scott – M.P., John Yakabuski, and Cheryl Gallant.
You ought to read it too. So I’m going to provide the full text of it here for you. Do what you can to support these people. Really, they’re fighting on behalf of all of us. I don’t live in Lanark County or any of the other Counties mentioned, but I drive through some of them often. I’ll be showing up to lend them my hand whenever I can. These people are providing us with an opportunity to put our actions where our mouths and beliefs are.
Join their rebellion.
Here’s the full text:
“Farm/food strike for Property rights and survival
The Lanark Landowners Association issued a communiqué to you and your government departments on Thursday May 20, 2004. The message was clear: Rural Landowners and farmers must regain constitutional protection for ownership rights to private property in order to regain profitability and protect our heritage and culture. In addition, the communiqué clearly outlined September 1, 2004 as the deadline for a response, and the consequences that will ensue. Your non-response is evidence of Canada’s lost democracy and government unaccountability.
Failing a suitable and timely response the united landowners of Lanark, Carleton, Renfrew, Hastings, Glengarry, Frontenac, Leeds & Grenville Counties, and numerous Farm, landowners & rural associations throughout Ontario will begin rotating and escalating farm strikes, and road closures on September 3 2004. The first of these actions will commence at Shaw rd. in Pakenham Township, followed by actions each and every week at communities throughout Ontario leading to significant demonstrations in downtown Ottawa in the shadows of the people’s parliamentl.
The farm strike actions will eliminate gouging by middle man and corporations and will be the beginning of the end to unjust government interference in rural Ontario. The strike will include restricting road traffic at key intersections, selling farm fresh LLA inspected beef and steaks for $1.99 per pound, selling un-graded farm fresh produce and products bypassing government enforcers and inspectors, tractor convoys, and farm/rural displays of dissatisfaction. Each week a new location will be announced to selected media outlets as the farm strikes beats a path to picket the corrupt halls of power in Ottawa.
It’s clear and unambiguous that all levels of government have little or no respect for rural landowners and farmers: and urban politicians & bureacratas are prepared to experiment with, and manage the death of rural Canada. Unaccountable bureaucrats and ignorant politicians have created a dangerous habitat and threatening environment with over regulation, excessive & intrusive legislation that favours Trans national corporations, and agri-food monopolies. The heavy hand of coercion is frequently used to extort compliance from rural landowners, and our de-facto justice system insures the only thing that is common in Canadian law -is that individuals can never win without loosing.
The closure of hundreds of local abattoirs has magnified the devastating effects of BSE, while the meat packing cartel wallows in obscene profits and government compensation packages. Our access to foreign markets remains closed while Uruguayan beef is imported, and Canadian taxpayers exploited. Marketing boards designed to protect the family farms have become covert double agents aiding and abetting the corporate culture of greed that expands monopolies and cartels. And the reality of government deception remains hidden from the urban consumers view, but not for long.
The united landowners of Eastern Ontario will no longer comply with legislated injustice, will not cower in fear, and will defend our heritage and culture with forceful resolve to return democracy and justice into the hands of its rightful owners-common people. The consequences of your inaction will be the weight of Rural Canada descending upon your diminished authority.
Randy Hillier
President, Lanark Landowners Association
tel 613-257-7968
Tel 613-267-6661
Fax 613-259-2741
http://www.marmora.org/liberty/LLA/ “
Gandhi beat the British this way. Canada should be easy picking. Good Luck to the LLA! I’ll be spreading the word.