A Press Release From The Lanark Landowners Association:
Contrary to the Minister of Natural Resources (David Ramsay) assertions, four Lanark Landowners Association (LLA) members have been charged under the fish and game act relating to their actions on June 19 2004.
In a Canwest News article (Ottawa Citizen September 25, 2004) David Ramsay is quoted saying “We have investigated and up until now it appears to be more smoke than anything else”, furthermore “in our investigations we found that no deer will killed out of season”.
It is evident the Ministers statements contradict the bureaucracy’s legal actions against the four LLA members. On analysis one must ask; did the Minister intentionally lie to the press? Does the Minster not communicate with his staff or understand their activities, or does the bureaucracy withhold information from the Minister?
The LLA has enjoyed substantial growth in membership and has garnered support across the province and country in our efforts to reassert ownership rights to private property. In addition our legal defence fund has mushroomed in this environment of political darkness and government misinformation.
The LLA will vigorously defend our members as stated in our founding declaration, “Injustice against law abiding rural people will be met with powerful non-compliance, direct action and judicial means. The united members have a moral obligation to protect our culture, traditions, and liberty for themselves, their neighbours and future generations- And will.
The LLA does not accept political lies, government deception or unaccountable bureaucrats as reasons to intimidate and coerce Ontario residents: and calls on Minister Ramsay to respect Parliamentary responsibility and resign from his cabinet post.
Randy Hillier
President, Lanark Landowners Association
tel 613-257-7968
Tel 613-267-6661
Fax 613-259-2741