Ye Dareny Shove Yer Granny Off A Bus

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It’s a silly Irish ditty, that my father sang to me. And even though I have a LOUSY singing voice, I’ve sung it to all my sons, as well. Thanks to technology in a Palm Zire 72, I was able to record my youngest wee fellow, singing along with me. You have to understand.. this wee fellow is two years old plus a month. And he’s simply adorable. He loves singing, dancing, exploring his world, and just being the happiest little person I know.

He’ll spend hours with me in the evening, sitting on my knee, listening to everything from Pachelbel to AC/DC, and everything in between. For some reason though, he does seem to enjoy Irish music.. especially as performed by the Irish Rovers, and his dad.

Which is odd.. considering he is half Dutch. Every heard any good Dutch tunes? I thought not. Neither have I.

Anyhow.. excuse the dad’s lousy singing voice.. but here’s a short recording of Dad and David doing a duet of Ye Dareny Shove Yer Granny Off A Bus as David sat on my big old wooden desk in front of me, singing away, giggling, smiling, and giving lots of hugs and kisses.

I’ll probably kick myself in the morning for posting this.. and will be embarrassed at the world’s ability to hear how badly I sing. Oh well.. David’s cuteness over rides my embarrassment. But David is heading to Edmonton next week with his mom, and I thought it would be kind of cool if David could sing this for his granny. He’s got the “bus” part down right 🙂

4 thoughts on “Ye Dareny Shove Yer Granny Off A Bus”

  1. Ian Scott

    The Real Person!

    Author Ian Scott acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
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    Hey! Who asked for comments from the Peanut Gallery anyhow?? 😛 It’s too bad you couldn’t hear it. You’d probably laugh a lot. At me. Ah well.. you’re wee brother sure enjoyed it 🙂 Love you, Alex!!! Dad..

  2. Ian Scott

    The Real Person!

    Author Ian Scott acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
    Passed all tests against spam bots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.

    Hey Damian! Yes, is the same song. Probably some variations due to geographical and dialect differences – I grew up with the “dareny” (sometimes also sort of pronounced “durnae”) version. My father never sang the second verse though 🙂

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