I was too busy today to go looking for blog ideas or even think much about blogging. And at 3AM, that’s just ends up being silly time for me. And I’m in a silly mood. I’ve blogged enough at 3AM, when in a silly mood to know that’s not a good thing to do.
So instead of silly commentary, I thought I’d just introduce you to a bunch of other blogs that I’ve come to enjoy lately while sipping on this homemade wine that is bound to make me sillier as the night approaches morning.
First off, my business partner, although she doesn’t blog regularly, has some interesting things to say from time to time. I wish she would blog more often because she’s got a great mind, and she knows how to say things in ten words, when I would take about ten paragraphs. Plus, I love the name of Wendy’s blog: Everybody Knows Joe Clark Should Join The NDP
The most recent addition to my blog roll is The Last Amazon. Kate has me curious… a former ballet dancer and the last amazon… that sounds kinda sexy to me. But that’s not enough to get added to my blog links – at least not on this blog. Instead, it’s her sexy intelligence that motivated me to add her blog. An interesting sense of humour discussing body art in middle and old age while at the same time she shows some true feminine intelligence and thought about Clinton. “Why won’t he just go away?. But there’s more to Kate than that, and you should visit her blog and read the quote on the masthead.
Last week, I added Brock On The Attack to the link section. I’ve been reading Brock for a while, and really enjoy his thoughts. In fact, I envy his writing abilities. He’s always up for a good intellectual fight, and attracts some interesting comments. Hopefully, he’ll win this fight.
Well that’s it for now. I’m getting too tired to mention some of the rest, but will do so at a later time.
But before I end. Don’t forget today is the day of protest against those who would take away free speech. Unfortunately, I cannot make it to Ottawa, but I will be sending a letter to my MP, and doing whatever else I can think of doing in lieu of showing up in Ottawa today. I’d encourage you to do the same. Do SOMETHING. Sign Petitions. Distribute petitions. Write letters. Put your time where your mouth is and do something.
Wow, thanks for the kind words. I’m truly flattered.