David and I headed out for our “hike.” Now, being a hike and all meant that a backpack was needed. Probably a good thing I removed some of the heavier toys that David had added as he insisted on wearing his pack on his back the entire walk. As it was, the thing must have weighed close to ten pounds which is about a quarter of his own body weight.
In “adult” terms, we didn’t walk all that far – but in “wee man” terms – that was a good hike! We parked the van at the top of the road that heads north from Mono Centre, near the Education Centre. Then we walked along the trail and took the side loop that goes to McCarston’s Lake. At McCarston’s Lake (which looks more like a large pond) we rested a bit, threw rocks into the lake to see how big rocks made bigger splashes than smaller rocks, watched geese, and looked at beaver gnawed off tree trunks.
For a wee fellow, walking up and down some small hills, and over rocks and other trail like geography, he did very well. We probably walked a total of 3 KM – which David can do easily on flat sidewalk terrain – but carrying ten pounds of “stuff” on his back was a bit more of a challenge.
The temperature was around 20C, and the sun was shining. Without leaves on the trees yet, this made for some warm hiking as there was little shade. But a nice gentle breeze kept us comfortable.
If you’re interested, some pictures: (UPDATE: Sadly, the larger ones are missing but I’ll try to find copies and repost them)
Two views of McCarston’s Lake
David, along with “Teddy,” who just had to come along for the hike as well.
Everyone knows hikes are always better with Teddy.