Ultimate Chick Magnets

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Update: Since the original post, over the years, the image mentioned has disappeared but I think I know which one it was I had posted. I’ll try to locate it sometime.

Those are three of my four sons. Click on the image, and you’ll get a bigger, better view of those handsome adorable kids.

The three eldest (unfortunately, my 14 year old wasn’t available at the time the picture was taken) are awesome guys. Shown here includes Alex, my eldest, turning 16 in June whom I’m very proud of, Colin, who is 12, and David, my youngest who will be 2 in August.

My three eldest sons live about a 5 hour drive away from me, unfortunately. But I get to see them all quite a bit considering.

David and I went on a little adventure this past weekend, as we travelled to the Ottawa area so we could watch James, who is 14, participating in a Jiu Jitsu demonstration. I’ll have more of that, later.

David and I are home but a few hours now after our fun little trip. He’s an adorable little guy and who was an awesome travelling companion in my big old station wagon. And of course, being as cute and adorable as he is, he attracts me a lot of attention from women… it’s quite fun, actually!

All my boys are like that. Alex, who is turning into quite the strapping young man, and who excels at playing the drums, guitar, trumpet, and any pot or pan you hand him, has girls chasing after him. So, I get to meet some of them.

When James comes to visit, he and I visit the local Swiss Chalet, and always seem to end up with the same waitress who gives us great service and gets tipped well in return. It must be James’ cute freckles and the muscles and poise he is starting to display.

Colin is going to be a real lady’s man though. He’s the one giving David a little hug in the picture. A gentleman he is, and tough and strong at the same time. If he’s not a fireman when he grows up, they’ll be asking him to pretend he is just so they can feature him in the Firemen Calendar.

David of course, with his blonde hair and blue eyes, charming giggle and smile and wonderful personality, is only a natural at attracting the girls, both younger and older. And interestingly enough, he’s fascinated by women on motorbikes. Motorbikes always get a glance from him, along with his exclaiming, “Vrrroooooom!” But when we pass chicks on motorbikes.. boy, you’d think his head could do a 360 on that neck of his!

Chick magnets all of them. But I fear all the chicks are more attracted to my sons than they are to me. But that’s ok. I’ll just try to live vicariously through all three of them. So much choice..

2 thoughts on “Ultimate Chick Magnets”

  1. Nice little site. Its nice to see a proud father displaying his kids and talken about them. Although i have no children I take care of my neice and a friends kid that lives with me. He’s 16 and calls me his older brother everyone thinks were brothers lol gets confusing with his girlfriends lol, but i dont mind the attention. Unfortunately my neice has not seen her mother in 1 1/2 years. She’s no where to be found but her father (one of my brothers) more than fill the void; but still not the same as a mother. We try to do our best cause her father is gone all the time almsot so for what shes been thru shes adjusted quite well. Enjoy your trips with your kids and make sure you spoil them like i do my neice lol Rich aka PimpF***Over

  2. Thanks, Rich 🙂 I appreciate the comment. Sounds like you have an interesting situation as well, and everyone is doing well in spite of the hardships. I guess no matter what life throws at us, it’s good to know that we can help others and appreciate life itself. I try to spoil my kids when I can… but it doesn’t happen as often as I’d like 🙂 Although they’d all say I never do it enough! 🙂 Thanks again.

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