James enjoys gaming. His birthday is coming up soon. He wanted “The Age Of Mythology” game for his birthday, but I have other thoughts on a birthday present. At the same time, I didn’t want to disappoint him so I made him a deal. I bought him the game, and in return, he’s going to do a project, 6 typewritten pages, on various gods of mythology. His project will include describing the attributes of the varoius gods, and their relationship to the societies of the time.
I want a Title Page, Table of Contents, and a standard bibliography to be included with the completed assignment.
He’ll have one month to complete the project, or I take the game back :). What a contract, huh?
There’s a bonus as well. Apparently, there’s a second game now that inludes more fun stuff, but with the same theme of the first “Age Of Mythology.” His bonus is to describe differences and similarities in between how the game portrays the gods he has chosen to research, and what he learns from his research about those gods.
I’m looking forward to reading what James comes up with. He seems quite interested in the assignment, which is good to see.
I’ve included a picture of James with David sitting on his knee. David is almost 20 months old.