I promised I wouldn’t blog in the middle of the night, and that entry at 4AM last night was a bit much on trying to create a poem in ten minutes about Mr. Pettigrew. Ah well, I had fun trying to compose it. And it really did only take me about ten minutes, as I’m sure you can tell. That first line was supposed to be edited before I posted, but that’s what you get in the middle of the night.
I think I need to get out more. Which is exactly what I did today, and enjoyed a delicious lasagna dinner. Thanks, Libby! I’ve had my awesome 14 year old son visiting with me for a number of weeks, and have been driving him to just south of King City every day for the past week, so that he can take a programming course with the great instructors from Real Programming 4 Kids. I am quite impressed with these guys, and one of the owners of the company is a good libertarian.
So today, my ex-wife drove to Toronto, and after James’ class, we met up with her, had dinner with her aunt, and then exchanged kids. So now I’ve got my awesome 12 year old, Colin with me for a bit.
And I haven’t had time to surf the newspaper sites, looking for things to comment on or write bad poetry about. Perhaps sometime I’ll post the silly poem I wrote about the poor frog crossing the road, that was hit by my car one rainy night. It was sort of a satyre on PETA and how they make so many efforts to slam anglers, hunters, and anyone that eats meat, yet don’t spend much time on the zillions of insects and rodents that get killed by cars every year.
Speaking of eating meat, thanks to The Meatriarchy (who’s planning a road trip to eat a 6 pound burger) for adding Ianism to his blogroll. You should visit him – I enjoy his blog.I promised I wouldn’t blog in the middle of the night, and that entry at 4AM last night was a bit much on trying to create a poem in ten minutes about Mr. Pettigrew. Ah well, I had fun trying to compose it. And it really did only take me about ten minutes, as I’m sure you can tell. That first line was supposed to be edited before I posted, but that’s what you get in the middle of the night.