So, I’m looking at my calender here. It’s the year 2004. And I came across this interesting article, written in the year 2000. According to this article in The Medical Post:
“Towns are finding new ways to attract and keep doctors. Here’s a look at the kinds of things municipal leaders are offering across the nation:
* Drayton, Ont. offered signing bonuses.
* Charlotte County, N.B., produced a package late last year that included free rent and secretarial services.
* Saugeen Shores, Ont. has purchased two homes to lure doctors with free accommodation.
* Communities in Newfoundland and Manitoba have guaranteed snow clearance.
* Petrolia, Ont. is paying the tuition of a medical student who has signed a contract to work in Petrolia upon graduation and is also pondering a request from a physician who wants a building lot as an incentive.
* Marathon, Ont. put “relocation expenses” on the table.
* Housing subsidies have been offered in Chatham, Ont.
* If that’s not enough, perks like golf club memberships, dockage fees at local marinas, new vehicles, paying a spouse’s tuition and Internet sites to link the new doctor to continuing education have been offered by some towns.”
Governments have done such a damn fine job, haven’t they?
It’s the System baby, that we gotta protect. We don’t really care about human lives. It’s the system that matters, dontcha know?
What’s really interesting, when you take a long hard look, is that governments are now competing against each other! Who said free enterprise was dead? But it’s only ok, in health care, if it’s goverments that are doing the competing.
Who’s got the best golf course memberships? Any doctor will do!