About an hour or so ago, I happened to check my twitter feed and noted that within the two minutes prior, he had tweeted the following message:
“Minor weather report: We pushed 1st Penguin algo data refresh an hour ago. Affects <0.1% of English searches. Context: http://goo.gl/4f7Pq”
Many of us in the SEO world were expecting that this would occur soon, and a monthly update seemed like a reasonable assumption. So far, on all the sites I’m looking after, there have been zero changes in rankings as a result of this particular update.
However, in other parts of the web, I’m reading that some were drastically affected with huge drops in rankings in Google search.
At this point, I have no comment to make as there is not enough information, especially with the fact that at my end, nothing has moved either way. I’ll have to wait to have some conversations with those that did experience major movement.
Did your site experience any major movements up or down since the evening of May 25? What sort of search results are you seeing now that is different than what you were seeing prior to this update?
And if your site did move, do you have any thoughts on the erasons for it?