Introduction – “Aunt Millicent”
To begin with, I don’t know much about Aunt Millicent; perhaps others in the family that may have known her better can contribute their memories (with due credit given, of course!).
I recall having her visit Canada with her brother Hugh McDowell Scott in the late 1960’s, seeing her in 1970 in Northern Ireland, and that’s about it. But I do recall she was often brought up in conversations and letters between Canada and Northern Ireland.
She was always simply called “Millicent” or “Aunt Millicent.” I had always (incorrectly) assumed she had never married; I don’t recall any conversations about her being married at any time. I don’t know if this was an omission on purpose, something I just missed in the conversations, or that it was simply overlooked because her husband passed away some years before I was born.
For some reason, as a child, I had thought it funny she was born on Halloween. I don’t recall the significance of that in my mind at the time, that made it curious and funny to me, however.
There had been some concerns as she aged, with her mental capacities but I never really liked those conversations when I was younger, and didn’t pay much attention to them.
I only recently learned that “Aunt Millicent” had been married, due to some investigative work done by “GenealogyMum” – while looking into some possibilities in regard to John George McDowell and his wife, Jane Finlay (there will be some updates on their profiles shortly).
This profile/bio may be a work in progress if new information comes to light – or it may remain fairly basic. But what is now known:
Quick Facts About Sarah Millicent McDowell Port Scott
Born: 31 OCT 1905 at 24 Hillman Street, Belfast
Death: January 1990
Spouse: Geoffrey George Cuthbert Port (Marriage Date Unknown) Until Mr. Port’s Death (27 Jan 1958)
Sister of: Hugh McDowell Scott
Parents: John Scott & Sarah McDowell
Although she was named Sarah Millicent McDowell Scott when she was born, it is likely she was called “Millicent” all of her life. On the 1911 census, for 83 Hanover Street, she is listed with the family as only “Millicent”:
Known Residences: 24 Hillman Street, Belfast; 83 Hanover Street, Belfast; Lisadian, Hillsborough, Co. Down.
Other Interesting Background
Two days ago (June 6th, 2021), I had been looking at some early photos of “Aunt Millicent” and wondered why I didn’t recall ever hearing of any marriage. It was hard to believe that such a beautiful woman wouldn’t have been courted by quite a few men when she was a young lady in the 1920’s. I did a casual search in case something came up, but couldn’t find anything quickly. But I continued to think about this later, and wondered if I had missed something about Aunt Millicent’s life. I had made a mental note to ask my cousin Elinor if she knew more about the life of our great or grandaunt.
Ironically, while looking at some possibilities for John and Jane McDowell, “GenealogyMum” sent me an email to let me know of a discovery made, in regard to their possible deaths – in Belfast, which would mean they returned from America to Northern Ireland. But interestingly, a “Millicent Port” was named in the same plot at Carnmoney Cemetery. I was busy when the email arrived on my mobile phone, and didn’t have time to look further, but my mind was racing – “could this have been a spelling or typographical error (it happens) and it should have been Millicent Scott and not “Port?” Or had she been married?”
But then more digging by “GenealogyMum” turned up some interesting answers and facts that I had not been ever aware of previously! Indeed, our Aunt Millicent had been married! (Perhaps this is not news to some, but was to me).
Laying in state in the same plot (J-179) at Carnmoney along with Sarah Scott, Mary Scott, and John Scott was Geoffrey Port:
Further digging by “GenealogyMum” would discover a record registration of Geoffrey Port’s will from 1958, Belfast:
Mr. Port, Millicent’s husband, apparently was a textile sales manager and who resided at Lisadian, Hillsborough, Co. Down.
I am once again, deeply indebted to “GenealogyMum” for digging up some interesting information – not only about Aunt Millicent, but including other information I need to look into regarding the McDowell family.
Another Small Note
I’m also curious as to where the middle name, that she went by, “Millicent” came from. I haven’t come across any other Millicents but some research indicated it was a common name that people liked at the turn of the 19th and into the early 20th century.
Have memories to share? Other information? Leave a comment below or get in touch.