Starting a new business is not easy. So many people try to claim that it is, but every business takes a lot of effort, thought, planning, and often, overcoming unforeseen circumstances.
KirIan, a partnership between Greek resident K. Iordanou and myself has been no different, but we’ve finally got our first product ready for sale and have begun taking orders. Orders will be shipped on Tuesday following the holiday weekend, and we’re both very excited about that!
Some may find the backstory to KirIan interesting – the business was not even in the imagination when Ms Iordanou first met in person back in September of 2017. We had known each other for a very long time before the opportunity for a trip to Greece came up. While there, I was so impressed with the food and especially the oregano, that I brought back a considerable amount of the herb for personal use. My son loves oregano – he adds extra to his spaghetti and other dishes – and when he first sampled the stuff I brought back from Greece, his eyes lit up as he experienced the taste.
On a whim, I gave samples of this to friends, family and associates. The reactions were all the same, along the lines of “Wow! This is amazing oregano! Bring more back if you ever go to Greece again.”
With all the positive reaction, the ideas and then discussion about a possible business opportunity came up and for more than one reason, it was not long before I was back in Greece. The majority of the time spent there the second time was about serious discussions and meetings in regard to importing high quality culinary products from Greece, while focusing on the amazing oregano to start with.
Much oregano sampling was done, driving to meet with producers and herb merchants, and learning as much as possible about oregano in general. This meant also perusing scientific papers in journals, learning about Greek Oregano and the differences between that variety and other varieties of oregano, and learning about the trade of herbs in general. We turned up some really interesting information – did you know for example, that much of the supermarket and brand name stuff sold as oregano is not really oregano? Much of it is actually “Common Marjoram,” an herb that is related but not the same. Not only that, many of the producers in Turkey and India adulterate their oregano products, some by as much as 70%!
With this information in hand, we wanted to make sure that anyone who purchased from us, if we went ahead with the business idea, was going to get the BEST Greek Oregano possible, pure and lab tested.
And that is what we found – finally – some great oregano, lab tested, and that met the smell and taste test of oregano experts – Greeks that regularly consume the stuff on a daily basis. Remember the old “Take the Pepsi Challenge” commercials? Basically, that’s what we did – laying out samples of the oregano we had acquired and having friends and family in Greece smell, taste, and make comments on the appearance.
Next Challenges
We thought 90% of the work had been done but we were wrong. We did have a beautiful logo created that we think represents what our business is about – nothing but the best products, and brought to you with love. That is what the new business is about…. and we also wanted our packaging to reflect that as well. We had some major setbacks with packaging after being told by one packaging company that they would have samples out to us – but it took them over a month to do so. That left us scrambling and the timing was really bad, but we pressed on.
Then there were challenges with labeling of the packaging we had selected and we realized that we needed professional advice to create the right labels.
Finally in the past two weeks, everything started to come together – and it was made even more special by the fact that Ms Iordanou was visiting with me here in Canada! Pretty exciting stuff for everyone concerned and along with the great encouragement from friends and associates who had previously sampled our KirIan oregano, and were excited for the opportunity to have more of it!
So now the site has been launched but the work is still not done – orders did come in on the first day, but we’re hoping to get the word out even further about the amazing Greek Oregano that is now available in North America – 100% pure Greek Oregano, grown in Greece and packaged in Orangeville, Ontario!
Have a look and consider comparing what we have imported to what you buy in the supermarket, yourself: <A HREF=””>KirIan Oregano</a>