Alex Scott Drum Kit Fund

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20.00 promised by Candace. Thank you!!! The very first official contributor.. Candace will likely be offered backstage passes .. for any performance.. for ever and ever – even if she doesn’t want them. I kind of think though, that she will like them.

75.00 pledged from Sunni. By the way, this idea for the “Help Alex Get His Drum Kit” fund was originally inspired by Sunni in the first place. If there was ever a person that I’d love to go fly fishing with, and spend hours on a river – even if I had to teach them how – it’s Sunni. I know I’d have a great time, helping her get wet… while wearing waders and maybe catching the odd trout or bass.

100.00 pledged from J. Guldin, a former professional drummer and who will probably return to drumming as a profession soon. Guldin attached a “proviso” for me personally, hehe – but I’ll carry through with that. Thanks!!

50.00 pledged from “Mila.” Mila is a beautiful woman whom I have shared WY&K’s songs with – and she has told me she has enjoyed them. I’d like to teach Mila how to fly fish as well :)

50.00 from Uncle Andrew. An uncle of Alex’s that has been enjoying watching his progression and love of music.

Mike: 20.00 – Mike is a guy I really respect, even though… on some issues, we are like.. well.. probably 720 degrees apart, using a 4D model. There are some folks, that you might have total agreement on, on all issues.. and then.. someone else where huge disagreement occurs.. but in the end, having a beer with the “huge disagreeer” is much more pleasant than the one that claims to be in total agreeance.
But whatever… yes, Mike is my friend. And.. thank you, Mike!

Balbulican – $30.00 received. Ahhh.. Balb and i have a few more Cohen songs to share, talk about, – not exaclty “bompf bompf” stuff.. but… whatever :) Thanks Balb. The Ottawa guys are probably going to see my son live before I actually get to!

Anonymous – $200.00.  Wow. This person wishes to remain anonymous – and there are some things I’d like to write to express my sincere appreciation, but I might get carried away and write something that would give the identity away.  This person knows who they are – and I hope they understand my very deep gratitude and sincere thankfulness for this generosity.
Total As Of February 12, 2007: $545.00

Help Alex Scott get a drum kit! And yes, there is something in it for you, as well.

Who is Alex Scott, and why might you want to consider helping? Good question.

Alex Scott is my son. He’s also the drummer in a new, upcoming and exciting band called “Wise, Young & King.” I’m going to ask you go go and listen to some songs. But before you listen to them, I want you to know a few things:

1. The first set of songs were performed within a month of these guys, now calling themselves “Wise, Young & King” getting together. From what I understand, when Alex joined the group, there was a sense of synergy with all of the band members as well as an excitement about the possibility of playing great music together.

2. The oldest bandmember is only 22 years old. The youngest, Alex, is only 18 years old. But instead of taking the “safe” route of trying to play other peoples’ and other bands’ great songs, they decided to focus on their own writings and composition. It is my understanding that Myles Bell, the 22 year old, is the driving force behind some of these songs, and the rest of the band then all work together to make beautiful music together. So, you got that? While some bands today are trying to get recognition for doing the songs of others, Wise Young & King want to stand on their own creative merits. I think you’ll like it, as well.

Ok.. go listen, here.

If you’re like most people that I’ve talked to, I might have lost your attention already. You just heard a band, after four weeks of jamming together, who decided to walk into a studio and record some songs “off the floor.” In other words, no professional mixing, no special effects, no producer.. just recording for what was to be CD quality songs. Those songs you just listened to are totally degraded in quality from the originals.

Now, go listen to this.

All of these guys are VERY talented. But… here’s the kicker that might blow you away:

Alex Scott, the drummer, doesn’t even own his own drum kit!

What you have heard is the development of .. yeah.. he’s still a kid… playing on practice pads, trying to watch and emulate some of the greats over time, and at times, having access to his Uncle’s 30 or more year old drum set when he’s been able to have access to it.

If I had the money, I might have decided to just buy him a drum kit myself. But Alex has three other brothers as well, some of whom have their own musical abilities and interests – and so I am unable to just write a cheque (check for American readers).

Originally, Alex had his sights set on some kit that was going to cost over 8 grand. You know.. we all dream and dream, right :) Nothing wrong with that. But over time, I, and perhaps others, and along with the development of Alex’s own critical thinking skills, have persuaded Alex to set his goals a wee bit lower – to the realm of reality and not just dreams – and try to settle on a goal that is attainable. This way, he can get something half decent to practice with – and should he later decide to move up.. well, he’s got something to sell but in the meantime, he can quit his whining and discouragement about never being able to attain 8 grand anytime soon to buy what he thought was “the best.”

So here’s the deal, and yes, there is something in it for you as well:

If you think that a brand new Canadian band that has a unique but classic sound, and is already producing stuff that is superiour to others, then you can help Alex get better, which will also help his band, Wise Young & King, get better as well. And no, we are not necessarily asking you to simply send money.

You should get something back as well.

Now, we would accept donations of ANY amount, but we do have to have some kind of cut off in order to give you something back of value. And at this point, we’ve decided that minimum to be $20.00.

For a $20.00 donation to the “Get Alex Scott His Drum Kit Fund,” I will send you an autographed picture of the band. Corny? Maybe. It’s a risk – but also a potential investment. This band is generating a LOT of interest – and YOU could be the first to have an original, signed 8 X 10 photo of the band members, signed. If they do become as great as some of us expect, this could be an amazing investment for you.
For a $30 donation, you will receive a free CD when the band finally completes what they are working on. You will probably have some of the tunes you’ve listened to above, and probably some brand new ones that are maybe even – more awesome than what you’ve heard already. I am privy to some of this stuff – so I can tell you – there are some GREAT things in the works that will probably blow you way – especially once you consider .. this is a band of MUSICIANS – PASSIONATE music lovers – between 22 and 18 years old. They have a long way to go – as in a long time to become even better!

As well you will receive the signed 8 X 10 of the image too. For the females – well – I have no idea what the other guys in the band look like, but I can assure you that for eye candy alone – well put it this way – Girls have been chasing Alex since he was 8 years old.

For a $50.00 donation, you will be put on a special list – the first to get updates about the band’s development, any silly videos taken of the guys, any pre-mixes that come into my possession before the final song comes out, and the opportunity to also provide your serious feedback as to improvements needed. You’ll get to read funny stories, and get the real deal as far as the way this band develops and continues to grow and mature.

Plus, you’ll get the CD and Autographed 8 X 10 picture.

For a $75.00 donation – wow… you’re going to love this!! I will give you one year of free website hosting of our “Basic Package,” more than enough for most small businesses, which is normally valued at $99.99! (Ok, sorry.. blogs are not included in this – my business has dedicated itself to providing great service to businesses – and the support and issues that sometimes come up with blogs are not what I can focus on – I want to be straight up with that, without anyone needing to read any “small language.” My business is dedicated to the assistance and support of business owners).

So, for 75 bucks, you’ll get one year of free hosting. You’re actually SAVING 25 bucks.

Plus, you’ll be on the special list to get private updates, you’ll get the CD, and the autographed 8 X 10 picture.


Now.. there’s even more possibilities!

If you are looking for someone that can assist you with basic HTML website maintenance, Alex is also prepared to work towards this drum kit. I should also point out that he is willing to work regardless of the work – but this one of those really tough “big circles” that sometimes 18 year olds have major issues trying to figure out. Alex lives in a rural area – and in order to get a full time job, he needs transportation. Public transportation is not much of an option. So, he needs a car. But to put his car on the road, he needs cash. Insurance is damned expensive for an 18 year old. Sometimes, it’s like being between a rock and a hard place.

This really is no fault of Alex’s at all. More on that in a bit.

Listen, I’m sure that after you have listened to the songs, you enjoyed them. I’m sure if you listened to the drummer, you must be totally blown away by the fact that this kid – an 18 year old – doesn’t even own his own drum kit, and has very little access to any kits right now to even practice with, hone his skills, or get better.

I’ll tell you, when Alex first sent me the studio “off the floor” recordings, I was blown away myself.

I personally will manage this fund on behalf of Alex, including any work for hire offers that come in. At this point, the goal is $3,000.00, so that Alex can get something like this.

Believe me, as biassed as I might be, I’m not doing this just for Alex. I keep repeating to Alex that he needs to count his blessings for somehow managing to hook up with some awesome musicians! Personally, it is my hope that it’s not just good stuff from Alex that we’ll be hearing more and more of, but more good stuff from Wise, Young & King, and hopefully, Alex will add something to that when he has the tools to improve his own skills.

You’re ready to donate aren’t you? Great! Here’s how:

First, you could use my PayPal address of ian at pairowoodies dot com. Please note that this is for the Alex Drum Kit Fund if you choose to use this method.

Cheques (checks): You could just send them to me to:

Ian Scott

P.O. Box 413

Orangeville, ON

Canada L9W 2Z7

Mastercard or Visa – yes because I have a business, I can accept either form of payment – let me know if you are interested, so that I can send you a form to sign that you can fax back to me.

If you have some ideas for Alex as far as “work to hire,” please email me your proposals using the same PayPal email address above, and I’m sure you will get the very best service and reply as to whether or not Alex can even meet your request or requirement.

Ok… More About Alex, if you are interested:

Alex Scott was born John Alexander Scott, named for my awesome father and Alex’s grandfather. Alex’s grandfather LOVED music – although admittedly, he claimed to not like rock n’ roll – being taught one time that it might be “demonic.” But… the auld man did have some old Beatles LP’s hidden away in spite of that. Alex’s Grandfather LOVED drums – ok, it was the drums played on Pipes and Drums recordings – along with some Flute Bands from his native Northern Ireland – but he used to encourage his own children to listen how “drums, well played, can make music all of their own.”

I can attest to this love of drums passed to me through musical appreciation sessions of listening to pipe and drum bands – and when Alex showed an interest in drums, I hoped that he would, along with enjoying Keith Moon, Neal Peart, John Bonham, Buddy Rich and others, that he’d also grow an interest in classical drums as well – and yes – military style drums of great Scottish and Northern Irish pipe and drum bands. Oh, and then there is the Lambeg drumming as well ;) .

But it’s not just been a paternal thing – Alex Scott’s mother, Angela, loved music, has a beautiful voice, and often would sing solos and duets in a variety of venues. I can also say that for me, it was always very special to hear Alex’s mom sing to Alex, when he was a baby, and as he grew older.

And.. his mom’s brother, Michael McCleery was quite the drummer himself! For years, Michael would play with a band in the Ottawa area that would do a variety of sounds – and it really was Michael that drove the music and kept everyone in beat. I know, because I had opportunities to listen at some performances. Indeed, whatever skills Alex has developed are likely owed to the good favour and kindness of his Uncle Michael lending Alex his drumset when he could.

When Alex was about 8 years old, at no fault of Alex, his parents separated – which was tough, of course. For everyone -but there was enough good sense for all parties involved, including the separate families – to ensure that Alex and his brothers always knew they were loved, no matter what – and to encourage Alex and his brothers to be all that they could be.

There have been some tough times, but through it all, Alex has indeed grown into a great young man – an “eldest son” that I am very proud of, and wish I could do more for. In fact, Alex has become one of my best friends, showing a maturity level in many ways that excedes that of some folk my own age. And I know I’m swelling his head should he actually read all of this… but for the most part, Alex has a pretty darn good brain on his shoulder – yeah… he’s got some things to figure out and learn for himself – but I’m very proud of him and enjoy his company and our relationship.

And I’m gonna kick him in the butt if he ever does ANYTHING to impede upon this amazing relationship HE seems to be enjoying right now with a bunch of other musicians who have decided to call themselves, “Wise, Young & King!”

Anyhow, if you’re interested, would like to look forward to helping what is obviously a GREATLY talented bunch of guys, doing what they passionately want to do, please consider helping Alex get his own kit. Even a buck or two would be appreciated, and would go along way to helping Alex focus on working on a “plan” to acheive some of his goals, instead of his whining to me about how far off it seems to be able to achieve any dreams.

I will keep this page updated with information about how close we all are to acheiving the goal. I did tell Alex about my thoughts on finding ways to help him out, and he was quite speechless… but… he did say, “Dad, please keep track of ANYONE that helps – so that when Wise Young & King are actually able to offer even more in return, I will be able to contact anyone who helped and offer them backstage passes, or something to let them know of my appreciation.”

Will Wise Young & King ever become anything considered “great?” I dunno. But from what I’ve heard so far… baby.. I’m on their bandwagon – not just because it’s my son.. but simply because of the great stuff I’m hearing!!

Take it as you will. Please don’t expect Alex to become the “next” Keith Moon, or whatever. I have tried through the years to explain to him, that, YES, it is a good thing to try to emulate in some ways, those that are considered “great,” but don’t try to become them.. instead.. be the best YOU can be.

And if you’ve read this far, I have probably done a really lousy job of any sort of “motivational” selling, to get you to donate NOW… but.. that’s not what I want to do. I want you to listen… realize some facts.. that damn percussionist you’re hearing in those tunes doesn’t even own his own kit… the guys he’s managed to hook up with are AWESOME, and well… I’m not asking you to even consider anything at all, if there is no value to you do so.

But if there is… well.. yeah.. we could use your help, and you will get something in return as well.

Thanks for reading.

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