What is a pencil?
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pen·cil (pµn“s…l) n. 1. A narrow, generally cylindrical implement for writing, drawing, or marking, consisting of a thin rod of graphite, colored wax, or similar substance encased in wood or held in a mechanical holder. 2. Something shaped or used like a pencil, especially a narrow medicated or cosmetic stick. 3.a. A style or technique in drawing or delineating. b. Descriptive skill. c. An artist's brush, especially a fine one. 4. Physics. A beam of radiant energy in the form of a narrow cone or cylinder. 5. Mathematics. A family of geometric objects, such as lines, that have a common property, such as passage through a given line in a given plane.
--American Heritage Dictionary, Third Edition
1. The pencil [thing] is not the pencil [idea] is not the pencil [word].
2. The [word] pencil always has more than one meaning.
3. The definition of the [word] pencil may continue indefinitely.